Saltwater Pilgrim
Saltwater Pilgrim
Pilgrim [pil-grim]
A person who journeys, especially long distances to sacred places
as an act of religious devotion.
Lucy Small is a surfer, activist, writer and producer. Originally from southern Western Australia but now based in Sydney, Lucy Small has spent the last decade combining a career in surf journalism, social science study , politics and competitive longboarding. Having travelled and surfed in places such as Mozambique, Bangladesh and Algeria, Lucy has grounded her way of experiencing surf travel in a will to understand the political and social landscapes of the communities she encounters.
In 2021 Lucy was in the spotlight after calling out the organisers of a surf contest for awarding less than half of the prizemoney of the men’s division winner to the women’s winner in a video that went viral, leading Lucy to launch a campaign for gender equality in sport called Equal Pay for Equal Play. Lucy was the first longboarder on the cover of Tracks Magazine and has appeared in news segments across the world.
A graduate of a Master of Peace and Conflict Studies, Lucy has used surfing as a point to pivot from in order to better understand the complex world in which we live, Lucy is dedicated to telling stories and showcasing the vast tapestry of experiences across the world of women's sport.
Click here to view Lucy's work.