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If Australia Doesn't Flood the System with 'Yes' I'm Going to be so Fucking Mad.

I am already royally pissed off. Pissed off that Donald Trump is the President of the United States, that Britain turned out to be not so great and now that Australia has to spend 122 million dollars on a survey they hope no one will participate in. The Australian government has lain out plans for a postal plebiscite. POSTAL.

My god I hate our government. Digging in their heels on a matter that should never even be questioned. People throwing up discussions of the sanctity of marriage like Australia has some kind of fucking sanctity. Oh how sacred are Australian values like racism and killing the Great Barrier reef. How fucking sacred. Oh, but we don't want to piss of God? Fucking GOD of all things. Like God is not already pissed off.

Let's just abandon innocent people in prison on remote Papua New Guinean Islands and pretend they don't exist. Let's let the traditional custodians of the land vanish into a forgotten white man's atrocity. As long as the gays don't get married. As long as the gays don't get MARRIED. How dare you want to have legal say over the affairs of the person you are in love with when they die?

And don't you dare bring kids into this you appalling son of a bitch. Heterosexual couples are undergoing IVF. That shit aint natural but watch me fucking do it. You know what else aint natural? Plastic. Put down your goddamn iPhone if you don't want anything that aint natural near you.

You know what else God hates? Suicide.

So Australia, if you don't get off your lazy overpaid, non religious ass and post your little survey form with a big tick on yes, I will be so mad. So so mad.

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